Thank you to our Create Your Own Happy Book Bloggers

Thank you

We have one huge thank you to say to our Create Your Own Happy book bloggers

Today our blog book tour comes to an end and we are so thrilled with how it has gone.

Over the last 2 weeks, 14 exceptional UK parenting bloggers have reviewed and trialled activities from our new book Create Your Own Happy.

These gorgeous bloggers have been so generous with their time and if our arms could spread across the UK we would be giving them the biggest happy hug right now.

Come take a look at their fabulous posts:

Create Your Own Happy Jar 

Create a Laughter Kit 

Be a Happiness Philosopher

Give Compliments

Learn to relax

Create New Life with Seed Bombs 

Use Music to change your mood 

Learn about another culture 

Invent a solution

Saying thank you

Snail Mail

 Reduce,  Reuse, Recycle


Do go and have a read of these awesome posts to see Create Your Own Happy in action.

These lovely, talented bloggers have done their reviews with huge enthusiasm, creativity and care we are completely enchanted with how they have put our book into actions with their kids. We want to say a HUGE thank you to them for their time and support.

Create Your Own Happy Book

So now we urge you all to go forth and Create Your Own Happy


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