How to give your kids a really HAPPY Christmas – 10 simple tips

How to give your kids a really HAPPY Christmas – buy them the best presents, right?

How to give your kids a really HAPPY Christmas

Nope, not even close (and definitely not a necessity.)

There are lots of other ways to help kids have a really happy Christmas and here are some of the things you can do to help make this happen.


How to give your kids a really HAPPY Christmas – 10 simple tips

Let them know what is happening

Sometimes we hold so much in our own heads as parents we forget to communicate to our kids what is happening and when. A simple family timetable on the fridge and chatted through one lunch-time makes it clear to everyone what’s happening when. This can really help.


Plan in some quiet time

Christmas can be FULL of excitement and it can be overwhelming. Schedule in some quiet time to your Christmas so kids can just play and read and relax  We all need that. Kids need your presence more than your presents so don’t be so busy you miss giving them that.


Keep to a sleep routine

As far as possible keep bed and waking times on track- kids do need a certain amount of sleep to feel happy and healthy and routine does always help then settle.


Plan in time to be creative

Creativity rocks and even older kids will enjoy making snowman bath bombs or chocolate pretzel Christmas trees or the like. Do plan in time for this rather than letting Christmas whizz by in a whirl of social engagements. This is precious together time.


how to give your kids a really happy christmas


Involve them in giving

The bit of our brain that lights up when we receive lights up just the same when we give (true fact.) Kids are never too young to learn that happy buzz that giving gives,  so do make them part of it. Encourage them to choose, wrap and hand over gifts and they will soon realise how much joy this brings.


how to give you a really happy christmas


Involve them in wider giving

Who needs some of our abundance at Christmas? Perhaps you could pack up a food parcel for the local homeless shelter with your child in time for Christmas. Maybe you could take some warm blankets and pet food to your local animal rescue. Encouraging your child’s compassion spreads happiness  to the world and only serves to increase theirs in the process


Enjoy family time

Kids can sometimes feel a little daunted by having visits with family members years older than themselves and who they do not know too well- they can imagine it is going to be boring and can feel unsure how to interact. You can really help make this times happier and more comfortable by taking along family board games and encouraging kids to be on teams with their older relatives. There is nothing like teamwork for bonding!  Bring a few old photo albums along  these will stimulate family stories and connections too.  Sometimes a tiny effort can make all the difference.


Enjoy the whole season

Yes, Christmas is a whole host of things, not just one day so do try and take in a nativity, a Christmas walk, some Christmas baking, a pantomime, a visit to see Santa, Christmas lights and carol singing! (Obviously not all of these you will be shattered!)  Many of these are free and children often love tradition as much as adults. Don’t assume they will find things dull just because you perhaps did as a child.  Have a go at lots of different things and see what floats their boat.


Check yourself (before you wreck yourself)

Yes kids need to know we are human but if we are stressed out by trying to do too much, negative about all the social visits we have planned and irritable, then it will be contagious. Check yourself and make sure YOU have time to chill, make sure you’re feeling positive and happy and you will find the impact in your kids will be HUGE.


Keep healthy

I know, I know it sounds so boring right. Christmas is the time for sleeping in and veor eating isn’t it? BUT…its does kids NO GOOD. They need to eat well and healthily, drink enough and get their hour of exercise a day or they will be grumpy and slump and get emotional. No one needs that. Keep things healthy to keep things happy ( it goes without saying this marks for us grown-ups too)


So happiness at Christmas isn’t really about the latest console it’s about your presence, your positivity, giving, embracing the season and a little planning.



I do hope you have enjoyed this post on How to give your kids a really HAPPY Christmas – 10 simple tips

For a whole host of more  happiness-boosting activities to keep kids feeling good do check out our fun and interactive book for kids  Create Your Own Happy


Happy Christmas everyone.





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